
Dossier Decks

Created by SkeletonKey Games

System neutral NPC creation cards for use with tabletop RPGs. Draw three cards for on-the-fly NPCs.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 4 years ago – Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 09:23:18 PM

Thanks to all of you, this project is now funded!

And you did it in less than a week, giving us plenty of time to unlock some stretch goals. Right out of the gate, I want to make these decks bigger so let's start adding cards.

 Each time we tick off one of the stretch goals listed above the decks will begin to grow. With more backers comes more cards.

We have two big Thank Yous to give. First to my close friend Philip Reed, who boosted the signal to the backers of his awesome Delayed Blast Gamemaster. If you aren't familiar with Philip's work, you should start following him here on Kickstarter so you can get in on his next great project.

The second thank you goes to the folks over at Nord Games who boosted our numbers with a few different media blasts. I'd be surprised if you haven't heard of them but if that's the case, do yourself a favor and check them out.

For any backers that came to the campaign from either of these routes, thanks for making the leap. We are confident we will hit the quality levels you are accustomed to from these fine publishers.

Speaking of Nord Games, SkeletonKey will be teaming up with them to fulfill the Dossier Decks campaign. Once we complete production, they will be making sure everything gets packed, shipped, and delivered into your hands.

I'll be back soon.

Cheers - Ed

Content and Themes of Each Deck Part 1
over 4 years ago – Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 10:41:32 PM

Greetings all,

As of this morning we are over two-thirds of the way to being funded. We had a very good day yesterday and have more marketing pushes happening over the next week. This little endeavor is going to fund.

Thank you!

Content and Themes of Each Deck Part 1

Currently each deck is made up of 16 Appearance cards, 16 Traits cards, and 16 Story Hook cards. 16 x 16 x 16 = 4096 possible variations. We hope to add a few cards to each deck through stretch goals once we fund the project. So what is it that makes each of the three decks different? And why might you want to combine them or parts of them?

In this update we are going to look at the Traits cards -

One of the behind the scenes terms we use when creating these cards is Preferences and Prejudices (P&P). That is, how much a character might like or dislike something. And in each deck P&P falls within a range.

Merchants - Merchant P&P is our baseline. For the most part, the pendulum will not swing to extremes here. Merchants will prefer and like things or dislike and try to avoid things. Merchants will have minor quirks, geared toward business and are mostly level headed. Mostly.

Mages - Here we can get a little be more exotic. Mages have more peculiar personalities and their P&P may swing to more intense ranges and exotic topics. Mages will have more quirks, and vices, and traits geared toward knowledge.

Goblins - Goblins are going to be bat-shit crazy. Their P&P will swing wide. They will love things obsessively or hate things deeply. They may have extreme fears or be dangerously foolish. Goblins will range from comedic to cruel.

This goblin trait attached to a mage or merchant would make for a very memorable NPC.
This goblin trait attached to a mage or merchant would make for a very memorable NPC.

Do you want a merchant with a more maniacal personality? Add in the goblin traits cards. Do you want an intellectual goblin that is more likely to get along with your adventurers? Build a goblin with mage traits.

By simply choosing the source of the cards individually, you can guide your NPCs in a desired direction.

Next time we will take a look at the differences in Story Hook cards.

The support for this project has been great. A lot of you have been boosting our signal via social media and it’s a huge boon to the project and keeps my energy high which can be difficult to maintain through a campaign like this. Thank you all!

Cheers - Ed Bourelle

24 Hour Update
over 4 years ago – Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 12:27:12 PM

Hey there backers!

It has been an eventful 24-hours and we are currently 38% funded. We are steadily finding the audience for this project and I'm confident we will fund. I'm hopeful it will be in the first week because I'd really like to start expanding the decks with more cards. For some reason our promotions on Facebook have been hung up in review for a full day so we have revamped them and resubmitted. Fingers crossed those go live today.

We will have more updates coming that focus on the difference between each set and how you can effect the types of NPCs you generate by combining them.

Not an exciting first update but we want to keep you in the loop.

We'll be back with more news soon.

Cheers - Ed Bourelle